Over You played on my poddie today. remember you asked me to send you nice songs end of april 07? i sent you Over You by chris daughtry and you thought i sent it to you cause i wanted to say that i'm over you. HAHA. i remember in january to april 07, we used to talk on msn till like 2am rather often even though there's school the next day. then i'll always pon school. HAHA. i remember how you said you really like talking to me, and you really enjoyed talking to me and you were amazed at how i always made you laugh silly to yourself in front of the computer in the wee hours of the morning. haha. and then you kept forcing me to go to your polo games and whined and said so many retarded things like "i can say hi to you at the pool!" and "it makes a difference to me that you're there!" etc etc to get me to go. and i really went for every single game -_-" haha. and you thought jem was my boyfriend cause he accompanied me for one of the games and you got so sad. HAHA. somemore always message me and drop me so many hints that you like me. PLUS ASK FOR MY TIMETABLE SOMEMORE and took note of our common breaks. then you just suddenly abandoned me. BASTARD. haha. but well, its all in the past. a part of the good but at the same time, not-so-good memories hahah [:
the sweetest surprise ever [:
Zhuan* says:
WOMAN why did you ditch nicky
Zhuan* says:
now fairytales dont exist anymore
cant you tell from my blog haha
i guess they never did
Zhuan* says:
oh I read already
Zhuan* says:
are you okay
Zhuan* says:
hmm I dunno
Zhuan* says:
its like you're the model couple
Zhuan* says:
like how couples should be like
HAHAHA zhuan you're damn cute i swear. dont worry, i'm sure your fairytale is waiting for you (:
so friday night, marc picked me up and drove me up to this really pretty place. haha on top of a hill and it would be perfect if the sky wasnt so cloudy. but still, there were quite alot of stars (: very nice. haha and we tried to signal to people at the foot of the hill with our striking heartshaped lights. HAHA. then marc said "i'm drinking my piss, and your piss" cause he was drinking newater HAHA joke. marc drove me to guthrie at around 1 plus, cause my mummy was coming to pick me. he stopped outside coffeebean there. then suddenly this car turned in behind him and he was like "WAHLAO EH. why got car turn in at this time" so marc turned out and made a round, then i looked at the car and "OH ITS MY MUMS CAR HAHAHAHA"
SATURDAY MORNING, i dragged myself out of bed for HARRYPOTTER at 9am. but i was 45 minutes late. luckily the movie was at 1030 instead. haha as expected, AVIS THE PIG DINT COME cause she couldnt wake up. haha so it was only reena celeste and me! but it was fun (: although i dont really like harry potter but i was sad when dumby died, he's so cute. ): we went window shopping and then i went home to catch some sleep after that before heading out to vivo for dinner with my family and then meeting jiazhi [: i love my alliance cause she's damn retarded. haha. mummy came to pick me at 12 and then i waited downstairs for warrick. i was wondering why he was taking so long, TURNED OUT THAT HIS BIKE BROKE DOWN HAHAHAHAAH. what the hell. truefriend is the nicest to me (: i've got a photo of him that is damn funny, i made him do some stupid face. haha. shall post it up when blogger is working properly!
SUNDAY was tuition, then returning the things, and then going to bugis to meet aiger/akachu! YOUSHEN MADE US WALK LIKE 10000km i almost died. AND YOU KNOW MY OG IS DAMN BAD, they keep spreading false things about me. like "SHE CANNOT WALK ONE", "SHE WANTED TO TAKE CAB FROM CENTRAL FORUM TO KENT RIDGE HALL", "SHE ONLY GOES TO TOWN, HIGH END PLACES AND CLUBS". and evidence! "eugenia(: says: you dont attract all the weird ones into our group can already" cause melvin kept saying that i attract all the weird guys... and jerome kept reminding me of the prata man. HAHAHA actually the prata one quite funny. that time one night after supper, i was gonna leave the prata shop. then the prata man stopped me "wait wait. thank you ah. and see you tomorrow night" HAHA what the hell right. these are just 4 of the many things they say about me. somemore, everytime they say, they laugh. hahaha. but i love aiger no matter how they always make me talk about donald or remind me about donald or say these kinda nonsense about me cause aiger is really awesome (: haha.
after ten thousand years, we finally bought some stuff -_-" haha. i left with jesmine and i went to cathay to meet jaytothezee for the haunting in connecticut. how about the show....... is damn bad. haha it wasnt even funny at all. so it sucked even more than the rest of the horror shows. other horror shows quite funny. this one is like -_-" DONT WATCH AH. dont waste money. haha to our favourite hangout, starbucks, after the movie and sat there just talking till almost twelve (: (:
yesterday was missing orientation talks cause i couldnt wake up and then working till 11! there was a birthday surprise party for uncle weetiong after work! and there was free flow of redwine, white wine and beer and food and awesome tiramisu cake (: haha. it was really fun! [:
and today, sugar woke me up at 725.... to go for orientation talks. haha and he bought subway cookies for me for breakfast what an awesome friend! (: i almost got lost while making my way to school HAHA. lunch at holland after that and then back to school for an useless talk before going to cine to watch public enemies with eugenia and sugar! haha johnny is rather hot! haha. i love the way he loves billie. he's just damn awesome and sweet (: haha. spent about 10 minutes browsing magazines in borders after celeste brought us there 2 weeks ago and introduced me to magazine-browsing, while waiting for titi. HAHA. titi picked me up from town at 728(yes you were early good job brother! haha) and we went for dinner at my house here. WANTED TO EAT THE BEST STINGRAY IN SINGAPORE BUT THEY WERE SOLD OUT. omg ): so we ate curryfishhead instead haha. then we htht until ten plus then he went home (: ohyeah, and youshen called me to just tell me that this person was in our og, he said "okay lah, i'll see you. oh anyway blah blah blah" five times and continued talking. in the end, he talked for 9minutes HAHAHAH. he's really a talking machine that never stops.
registration for school tomorrow and staying over in preparation for oweek! AWEESOMEEEE :D
i received three really encouraging messages today , and i dont know what i've done to deserve the best friends anyone can ever get. and i've received really encouraging stuff from people whom i dont really talk to and i'm really thankful! God is really good to me (:
"eh mummy sign the papers on your table okay. got a few."
"yes madam"
HAHA retard.
shizzz i really think i'm damn fortunate! :D
gonna meet yixuan the auntie and jaclyn the bestfriend tomorrow before staying over! [: and melvin's really honoured cause he's gonna be the person whom i'm gonna enter ion for the first time with! haha and he bought me timtam cookies and cream from perthhhh :D
AND I MUST GO TRAINING THIS FRIDAY!!! i havent gone training for like 1 month plus omg. i'm like super unfit now. oh anwyay that day i went for health check the doctor said my heart beats very slowly and asked if i play sports. i told jiazhi and she was like WHAT BULLSHIT, YOU HAVENT EVEN EXERCISED FOR SO LONG. THE DOCTOR BOGUS ONE RIGHT" HAHAHAH. according to someone, I'M FULL OF POTENTIAL OKAY HAHAHAH.
alright goodnight my friends, dream of pepper HAHA :D