The past is just that, leave it where it's at
I want to live in the moment with you
wasted so much time, startling but now i'm
spreading my wings and beginning again
mixed feeling and misgivings
that's all a memory now babe
when you saw me for what i could be
then i finally saw the same
Now the lover in me sees the lover in you
and i'm happy to say
that i'm so not afraid
for the lover in me to meet the lover in you
cause i see what we'll be
and the lover in me loves you
my godbrother on redsports
Desmond Heng of Fairfield wins 3-point shootout.
ANYWAY, today i dint go to school again. and like i went to the doctor's early in the morning. how bout last night i couldnt sleep at all cause the freaking toe was hurting so badly and my uncle laughed at me and said its like pig trotter. IDIOT. so like to the doctors i went. i took so long to get there.. waited for super long for my turn. so many sick people.
and right, when it came to my turn, i was inside the consultation room for so long. how bout once i told the doctor bout my toe. he looked so serious i got scared. and he started telling me that i might have gout(?) and he still wrote it down on a piece of paper. causes of it and who it affects and everything. and asked me to go and research. like what.. im not a doctor i dont wanna know all that. he said that gout affects old people. IM NOT OLD. and it affects people who eats alot of peas beans wine intestines. I EAT NONE OF THOSE. so he's like "GOOD GIRL." ?!?!?! and then he still wanna check if i have gout. LIKE ISNT IT OBVIOUS I DONT HAVE GOUT RIGHT. i dont even like fit the bill! and he said like, "your case is very unusual. you might have gout. its really weird. youre young and you shouldnt be getting it. but its at the exact same spot where gout hits. you are one of the youngest patients ive seen with gout" LIKE WHAT THE, ITS NOT EVEN CONFIRMED THAT I HAVE IT. so he said "IM GONNA HAVE TO TAKE YOUR BLOOD" omg, i almost died when i heard that. i wanted to cry. okay shit i know its damn loser. but im a sucker when it comes to pain. i cant freaking take pain. you can stab me from the back but not let me see you cut me. HAHAH im one weird man. but wahlao no joke i was really damn scared he kept telling me to relax and all. I COULDNT. and i was biting my finger. shit i really am such a sucker. and he took my blood for super long, i can feel the needle going in and out lah. and he said "DRAWING YOUR BLOOD GAVE ME A HEADACHE. YOUR BLOOD IS SO HARD TO DRAW" nice.. MAYBE I DONT EVEN NEED TO TAKE A BLOOD TEST. i bet he just wanted my blood. OR HE JUST WANTED TO CHEAT MY MONEY. he still said "IM TRYING TO SAVE YOUR MONEY HERE" woah bloody old man. IDIOT AH.
i came home feeling so angry because i cant believe he drew my blood. my first ever blood test in my life.. wahlao but at least i got over it, im quite brave. HAHAH. woah shit if i need to pluck my wisdom teeth, i think i kill myself first. suckzzz man. IM STILL DAMN ANGRY UNTIL NOW. I DONT KNOW WHY HE DREW MY BLOOD, REALLY. !@#$% he dint even give me any cream or anything, just painkillers. so like the whole afternoon from 11 plus to around 7, i tried to sleep. i kept waking up feeling angry cause he drew my blood HAHAHAHAHA. i keep thinking like WHAT THE HELL, WHY DID HE DRAW MY BLOOD. and it hurts lah the stupid wound. my toe not enough, now give me another hole DAMNIT. i really damn angry. HAHAH. actually im not angry im just complain-y. pandhi thinks complainy sounds weird. weird meh. i think its a cool word. hahah. WAHLAO i still cant believe he drew my blood. ZzxZXzx my arm feels so weak lah. ]: okay im making a big fuss i know. tsk but!! aiyuh. okay whatever.
and im sad that i missed the outing to shengshiong this afternoon with my classmates ): ohwellz. and how bout charlotte messaged us this.
"Hi all. This is a gentle reminder to all of u to bring all e money tat u've collected from e couple sale n ALL unsold coupons tmr as tmr is e last day of collection n e school needs to close act. if in e event tat u've lost e coupons, pls make a police report n bring e original police report n hand e report to me tmr. failure to do so, i'll refer u to e funorama comm n u will face e consequence. also I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ANYONE TELLING ME TAT U'VE FORGOTTEN TO BRING UR MONEY N COUPONS TMR. DUN TAKE MY WORDS FOR GRANTED"
and i was like.... im sure thats a gentle reminder.
"thats not a gentle reminder. its very fierce"
wahlao really not gentle lor. no joke. hur whatever. im just angry bout my blood. zz
pandhi says he'll piggyback me cause i cant walk. im sure lah. hahah. and you can piggyback me cause youre a pig :D HAHAH. youre one loser (:
im still thinking bout the stupid hole leftover from the blood test. it hurts eh. ]:
okay i should stop whiningggg bout it. BUT STILL. damnit. and the doctor wanted to give me mc for tomorrow also. HAHAH but i said i dont want. tomorrow must go school! hahah. stupid toe, i can conquer the pain. I CAN. hahah.
pinli says:
maybe your parents tried to amputate your toe in your sleep
pinli says:
to sacrifice it and offer it to the Body Parts God
what the hell, asshole. HAHAH.
and how bout jaclyn ng's mum called me this morning cause that idiot dint go home last night. -_-" and my grandma kept saying that some ghost injured my toe. ZZZ.
hahah okay i blog really crappy stuff nowadays. i just wanted to rant bout my damn toe. hahah AND THE STUPID BLOOD TEST. -_-" and how bout my mum just forced me to drink some stupid drink that she bought. hahah loser, i won. i dint drink AHAH.
okay goodbye.
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