Saturday, October 20, 2007

when i first got my results, i was like .. i didnt know what to feel. i called my mum and told her that i may not be able to promote due to the borderline passes and the combination of terms and promos.. she gave me retarded responses as usual. i felt damn guilty and i teared -_-" well. then after that, i realised that actually im really really really lucky compared to many. i know quite a bit of my friends are really almost there. i really pray that all of them will pull through. yknow actually i really rather retain now that i think bout it. talked to uncle bout it, he refused to let me retain. refused to let me go to a poly and insist that i continue if i can. the mention of retaining brought frowns to his face. i dont see whats wrong with retaining really. if i really retain, then so be it lah. come on man, its just another year. not like im gonna die like tomorrow right. ah whatever. i feel quite awful about all these shit. i know alot of people out there are upset and scared and all. i dont know what to say or do but i hope that you guys will make it thru. i really hope that after mod, everyone will be able to promote, or at the very least, advance. i dont want anyone to be sad. its really heartbreaking to see those sad and crying faces. everythings gonna be alright. it has to be. it got to be.

and sheep, please dont go to the army okay ):

and to all the other peeps in other jcs, everythings gonna be fine okay. cheer up yall. its not the end yet.

and i guess i really have to thank God for the results that i got. they arent like fantastic. but theyre good enough for me. its really unexpected and its really a miracle. a huge huge miracle. thank you Lord. thanks for always saving me. especially for the big O and this freaked up promos. thanks man.

cheer up everyone. theres always sunshine after the rain. all's not over.

thanks to all for being there, tingali, jobasan, marc, jacq, josh, sheep(im sorry that you had to cheer me up), han(sorry too), kh, xia, jotham-_-", azmi, WA, leon, W and pandhi. sorry if i leave out anyone. i just really wanna thank all those who was and has been there for me. really appreciate it.

and, i really miss fairfield. i miss fourdee. i miss all of you ): i miss all the fairsians. i miss all the good ol' times. i miss all the crap and jokes and pranks and funny stuff. i miss breaking the rules with all of you. i miss recesses. i miss all the fun. i miss all the super fun events. i miss pe. i miss being a part of the best class ever. i miss captains ball. i miss fairfield netball. i miss trainings. i miss all the retarded stuff that we do. i miss the place. i miss the whole school. i miss miss liang and miss yeo. i miss miss lee. i miss wearing the uniform. i miss the fairfield feeling. i miss being a fairsian. i miss everything bout fairfield.

im glad that we're all still close. im glad that we have dinners often. im glad that we still talk and have outings and remember each others birthdays. im really glad that im a fairsian. i know most of us really really love and miss fairfield. and we all hate the fact that we had to part and leave. but at least, we're still tight. i love all of you.

elis, lissa, yunxing, evan, jacq, ian, dricee, kh, es, norman, jy, dinosaur, martha, colin, joash, ko, alex, yongzhi, hosea, joshua, chark, christina, jaclyn, xinyi, mary, jem, leon, clement, edmund, wenyao, aileen, lizhen, natalie, xuening.

i miss all of you. tho i still see some of you pretty often.. but..
i miss back then.

and i'm sorry if i left out names. i always do. i guess you know if i love and miss you or not.

ET says:
all de gd n bad tyms all dere
ET says:
make de whole fairfield life so meaningful

ko: "fairfield peeps are still the best buds"

josh: "if only theres a fairfield jc"

i totally agree with 'em.

if i could choose, i'll choose to stay in fairfield, for years.
its retarded i know.
but i know that all of us will rather we all stay in fairfield, together.

i love all of you.

fairfield is seriously the best thing that ever happened to me.

nothing beats fairfield.
nothing beats being a fairsian
nothing at all.

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